All posts in Open Access

RCUK’s Open Access block grant 2016/2017

Research Councils UK (RCUK) has recently announced the amounts that it will be paying to institutions in the block grant to support the implementation of its open access policy.
This policy states that any research article or conference proceeding that is published and results from a RCUK funded grant should…

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Open Access Week 2016: How “open” are we? Faculty of Public Health and Policy

Now in its ninth year, Open Access Week celebrates progress and promotes awareness to help make Open Access the norm in scholarship and research.

As part of the week’s activities we are sharing some info-graphics we’ve produced in the Library covering Open Access and publications.

The infographic…

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Open Access Week 2016: Making monographs Open Access

Published research that appears as an article in a peer-reviewed journal which is also Open Access for everyone to be able to download and read is a fairly common occurrence these days. However what is less well know is for monographs or sections in a published book to be…

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Open Access Week is coming! October 24-30, 2016

Calendar of events for Open Access Week 2016


Open Access Week: Open Access funding

The Open Access team in the Library will introduce the Open Access requirements of research funders such as RCUK and the Wellcome Trust (COAF).

Monday 24 October 2016 at 11:00 am to 12:00…

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Every Open Access Thesis at LSHTM now has a DOI

With Open Access (OA) availability bringing the School’s research to an increasingly wide audience, it’s important that we have a way to keep track of the impact that our researchers’ work is having. As part of that effort, we’ve recently completed a project to coin DOIs (Digital…

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DOI 101

What is a DOI?

A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an alphanumeric string that is assigned to content in order to identify it and provide a persistent link to its location on the Internet. This link is functional even if the URLs or services change over time and the resource…

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LSHTM Research Online – 2015 in numbers

2015 has been a very successful year for LSHTM Research, not only have we substantially increased the number of records we hold and the number downloads we have received we have also obtained new types of research for the repository as well. Read more

End of grant and MRC/RCUK open access publications

Below is a FAQ we often get here at the School from projects that are funded by the RCUK. Question:

We have an MRC-funded grant which was awarded before April 2013 and which ends 31 Dec 2015. The original budget contained a small amount of funds (£1890) for publications, which we have set aside. However, we are planning to publish ~4 papers which those funds will not stretch to; moreover, the papers won't be submitted for publication now until after the grant has closed. How should I pay to make these papers Open Access if my grant was awarded before the 1st April 2013?
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Open Access and researchers: interview with Gareth Knight

In continuation of the success we had during Open Access Week at the School, I thought it would be a great to ask a few members of both the library, research data team and faculty what their views are of Open Access today. Last week we had Antonio Gasparrini, Senior…

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Open Access and researchers: interview with Antonio Gasparrini

Open Access Week is now in its eighth year offering the opportunity to celebrate our achievements so far, and further promote awareness to help make Open Access the new norm in research worldwide.

Exemplifying some of the achievements at The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the institutional repository…

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