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Mental Health Awareness

I first became consciously aware of mental health when I was in my 20s, when a friend of mine was admitted to a psychiatric ward under the Mental Health Act (aka “sectioned”). This happened on two occasions, but I only witnessed the behaviour that led to this action once, when…

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Guinea Worm…and other things

By Lara Salha

As part of my Masters in Archives and Records Management at UCL,  I had the pleasure of being assigned my 3 week part-time placement at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Archives and was given the opportunity to join the team and see how…

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Infoskills a bit rusty ?

… then help is at hand, to see you through your summer project. ONE hour info skills sessions will be held during the summer months just for  YOU  !

Everything you wanted to know (and more) ….about constructing a search strategy will be explained, including :

Searching databases and using operators such as…

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WHO World Malaria Day, 25 April 2018


This year’s World Malaria Day coincides with the World Health Organisation’s 70th anniversary. To mark the day the library has produced a display of books on Malaria in the Reading Room. Additional materials on the disease can be found at the LF shelfmark. Both electronic and print…

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Happy 205th Birthday to John Snow

Today we celebrate John Snow’s birthday (March 15th 1813 – June 16th 1858), a physician who made enormous strides in the fields of medial hygiene, anaesthesia, epidemiology and public health.


He is perhaps most widely known fo r his observations and discoveries during a cholera outbreak in Soho, London…

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Solar Topi and Ice corridor – Pamphlets at LSHTM

Recently the library has been back-cataloguing its extensive collection of historical pamphlets dating from the early 20th Century to the late 1960s. The collection is comprised of information relating widely to all aspects of international Public Health and is particularly strong on concerns relating to the Anglosphere and the…

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Reports : snapshots in time

The reports series collection contains some very useful items, especially if you are looking for historical, geographical, statistical / epidemiological information.

Reports series are typically health statistics and census data produced by governmental and non-governmental organizations on a regular basis – e.g. weekly, monthly, annually, every 10 years. The name…

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Using Open Access outside academia – some tips

This week the Open Access Team attended PhD student Emily Nunn’s fascinating talk, ‘Open Access outside academia: exploring access to medical and educational research for non-academics’ at the British Library. One of the takeaway messages from this presentation was that charity workers in particular are demonstrating high levels…

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GDPR for Research Data Management – workshop report

This blog post provides a brief overview of a workshop organised for the London Area Research Data (LARD) group on the implications of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for research data management. The event was held at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine on November 17, 2017. It was organised by Gareth Knight (LSHTM), in conjunction with Helen Porter (SOAS) and Laurence Horton (LSE). A second write-up of the session has been produced by Laurence Horton. Read more

Rural hygiene – snapshot from the collections


There are a number of works on rural health in our collections, including general works from dating the late 19th century when the public health movement gathered momentum.

The examples I have chosen below are on the open shelves in the gallery. Please ask library staff for directions if…

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