Plan S – Key Updates and Transformative Agreements

As developments in the implementation of Plan S begin to gain pace, it is important that researchers at LSHTM prepare themselves to stay informed of changes that may impact their planned publications as we move forward into a shifting publishing landscape. This is especially true for researchers funded by bodies…

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Christopher Draper Collection

Dr Christopher Charles Gawler Draper was born in Malaysia in 1921 and educated at Sherbourne and New College Oxford, graduating in 1945. As a medical student in Oxford he was involved with the trials of penicillin at the Radcliffe Infirmary as part of the war effort and then spent a…

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Decolonising the Archive: Roads to Africa

For the second in our Decolonising the Archive series – we are re-examining Roads to Africa, a film documenting a 1936 field trip to East Africa, by the entomologist Major H.S. Leeson and his then assistant David…

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An alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme: part 7

And here it is, the final instalment of our alternative guide to the Library’s Barnard classification scheme. We hope you’ve enjoyed this light-hearted look at what our scheme covers, subjects that may be of interest, and a new appreciation for the humble stick figure.

This post covers…

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Eye Health: Operating spectacles

Finding LSHTM data and other reusable resources

LSHTM Data Compass is a digital repository of research items produced by LSHTM researchers – staff and students alike – that have been made available for analysis and use in further research. The repository lists almost 1,500 item, including databases & spreadsheets, interview and focus group transcripts, software tools and processing scripts, as well as questionnaire and interview guides. This includes items hosted in the repository itself and those held in third party systems.

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VE Day, LSHTM during the Second World War

On Friday 8th May, the country will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day, (Victory in Europe Day) when the Allies of World War II formally accepted Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender of its armed forces.

At the outbreak of war in 1939, it was planned for the School…

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An alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme: part 6

The penultimate part of the alternative guide is here. In this post we illustrate classes UR-Y, showing some of the subjects covered by the Library’s Barnard classification scheme.

Classes UR-Y: UR, Integumentary System; US, Urology; UT, Sexology; UU, Male Reproductive System; UV, Female Reproductive System, Gynaecology; UW…

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An alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme: part 5

Another weekend of lockdown, another weekend of drawing stick figures to illustrate some of the content covered by the Barnard classification scheme. This week we have a look at classes T-UQ. Class U covers the specialties of medicine, and is subdivided into smaller classes.

Classes T-UQ: T, Medical…

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Decolonising the Archive: the Carpenter Diary

Within the LSHTM archives we have begun to re-examine the way we work, the stories we tell and the role we can play in promoting different versions of history. This has been inspired by the ongoing work of Lioba Hirsch, an LSHTM history research fellow working on a project…

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An alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme: part 4

The fourth instalment of the Library’s alternative guide to the classification scheme which we use to place books and resources into subject categories on the shelves is here.

This week we look at classes P-S: P, Pathology and Haematology; Q, Diagnosis and Clinical Medicine; R, Materia Medica, Pharmacy…

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