Remembrance Day : The louse bowed to neither Kaiser nor King

We commemorate this First World War centenary and Remembrance Day with Justin Hopper’s prose poem to this tiny but virulent scourge of the trenches, one of the gilded vectors on the School’s Keppel Street facade.

Others took their place their place : with extracts from the journals of servicemen…

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New journal acquisitions for 2015

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Journal Consultation during the summer.  The new Faculty-based approach this year resulted in an increased response rate, with each Faculty being well represented.  Now the responses have been analysed, the Library is in a position to place new orders for the…

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Top 5 downloaded papers from LSHTM Research Online – October 2014

Image caption: Our recently redesigned statistics info-graphic for the 2013-14 academic year. Info-graphics will be created monthly and available to download from LSHTM Research Online.

Last month LSHTM Research Online had over 27, 500 full text papers downloaded. The top three downloading countries last month were Germany…

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Securing access to eJournals for the long-term

The Library & Archives Service has subscribed to the Portico E-Journal Preservation Service.

Portico works with publishers and libraries to preserve eJournal content and associated metadata.  Journal content is transferred to Portico, with all descriptive metadata and structured full-text transformed to an archival format.  Content is regularly validated…

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Open Access Week 2014

The School celebrated Open Access Week with two 90 minute seminars. The first was held at Keppel Street on Thursday, while the second took place on Friday.

Emma Golding, Research Online Administrator kicked off by presenting the Publishing Open Access webpages for staff and students at the School have recently…

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Instruction to Students in the Use of the Library from 1947

In 1947, the then Librarian, Cyril C. Barnard, wrote a history of the School’s Library. In it, he included a section on the information skills training offered to students over the years. As you can see from the transcript below, things haven’t changed very much.

Instruction to Students…

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Fresh Martian Impact Crater by Stuart Rankin

Explaining Altmetrics at LSHTM

Fresh Martian Impact Crater by Stuart Rankin (CC-BY)

As users of the School’s Publications Database and LSHTM Research Online may have noticed the Altmetrics plug-in which records social media mentions of research by our academic staff.

It’s an impressive tool which…

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Enter the Archives Great War Bake-Off

Could you bake an Eggless Fruit Cake, a Spiced Apple Sauce Cake, 1916 Gingerbread Sponge or even a First World War Trench Cake?

Now is your chance to show off your baking skills in LSHTM Archive’s Great War Bake-Off. As part of Explore Your Archive week, which runs…

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New Exhibition at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, ‘HIV/AIDS: Controlling and eradicating a modern epidemic’

It gives me great pleasure to announce that the new exhibition on the subject of HIV/AIDS has now been installed in the Keppel Street Foyer at the School. The exhibition, ‘HIV/AIDS: Controlling and eradicating a modern epidemic’ explores the history of the disease through the archive materials and…

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Missed our Foundation Skills training? Now available online!

We have now finished all our Foundation training sessions on finding and accessing the Library literature.  We had record attendance by our London-based students, and feedback for the sessions has been generally positive and constructive.  Many thanks to everyone who came along, the Library staff enjoyed meeting you!


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