All posts tagged Library

Blue illustration of a truck carrying food and clothing, with an cartoon heart and health service cross sign above it.

Book Display: World Humanitarian Day

19th August 2023 is World Humanitarian Day, a yearly day of observance established by the UN to recognise the contributions of humanitarian workers. Their theme this year is “the importance, effectiveness and positive impact of humanitarian work.” In recognition of the day, why not take a look at some of…

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Cyril Cuthbert Barnard: a new poster display in the Library

Visit the Library’s Barnard Room to find out more about the first professional librarian at LSHTM – Cyril Cuthbert Barnard (1894-1959).

If you’ve ever taken a book out of the Library, chances are you will have noticed the shelf mark on the spine. All books in the Library…

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Your Library needs you!

Have your say on the Library and get a £10 gift voucher!

The LSHTM Library will be holding focus groups of service users to gather feedback on our Discover Library search tool (The Library catalogue).

Discover : The LSHTM library catalogue.

We’d love for you to join us on one…

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Graphic showing different aspects of medical research: clipboard, pillbox, pencil, plaster.

Book Display: Research Appreciation Day

This Wednesday 5th July is Research Appreciation Day, a new awareness day launched by medical research charities, particularly the Association of Medical Research Charities and MQ Mental Health Research. It is intended to recognise the contributions of researchers in all aspects of health. To celebrate, the Library has a display…

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Graphic showing a cartoon heart connected to a bag used for blood transfusions.

Book Display: World Blood Donor Day

This Wednesday 14 June is World Blood Donor Day, a day intended to thank voluntary blood donors worldwide, raise awareness of the need for global access to safe blood transfusions, and encourage regular voluntary and unpaid blood donation from healthy individuals. This year’s theme is “Give blood, give plasma…

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Chat with us!

If you’ve used our website or searched our resources lately, you may well have spotted this shiny new icon:

This is there as we’re currently trialling an instant webchat service, provided by LibraryH3lp. The service has been running for about a month so far and we’re pleased…

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image advising MSc students to book a literature searching session.

Effective Literature Searching: refresher / summary sessions for MSc students – booking now available.

These take place on:Tues 30th May 15:00 to 17:00Weds 31th May 09:30 to 11:30Fri12nd June 13:00 to 15:00 

Mon 19th June 13:00 to 15:00Tues 20th June 09:30 to 11:30Weds 21st June 15:00 to 17:00

All the…

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World Book and Copyright Day 2023

World Book and Copyright Day is a celebration to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. Each year, on 23 April, activities take place all over the world to recognize the scope of books, linking the past and future, and creating a bridge between generations and across cultures. On this…

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Fold-out colour plate from 'La Fièvre Jaune' depicting a section of a kidney, French caption underneath reads 'Coupe de Rein, d'aprés une préparation biologique de Mr. E. C. Prévost

Yellow Fever (Historical Collection)

Yellow fever, a viral disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes, was “one of the most dangerous infectious diseases of the 18th and 19th centuries, resulting in mass casualties in Africa and the Americas,” according to one recent article. For years up to the nineteenth century, debate raged over how the disease…

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Graphic showing a tap dripping water, the globe, and a drop of water.

Book Display: World Water Day

Later this week is World Water Day (22 March), first designated in 1993 by the United Nations to improve awareness around water issues. This year, organisers are drawing particular attention to the UN Sustainable Development Goal of water and sanitation for all by 2030, which we are currently off-track…

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