All posts tagged Library

literature searching refresher sessions image

Effective Literature Searching: ‘refresher’ training sessions for MSc students – booking now available.

These take place on: Tuesday 17th May 09:00 to 11:00Wednesday 18th May 15:30 to 17:30Thursday 19th May 13:00 to 15:00

Monday 27th June 13:00 to 15:00Tuesday 28th June 09:00 to 11:00Wednesday 29th June 15:30 to 17:30Thursday 30th June…

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April is Stress Awareness Month

As we enter April and look forward to an Easter break, it is worth noting that this month is Stress Awareness Month.

Stress “can influence our physical and psychological health, or more simply, too much stress can make you ill.” (1)

It is important to recognise when everyday stresses build…

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Library Display: International Day of People with Disabilities

The theme for the 2021 International Day of People with Disabilities is “Fighting for rights in the post-covid era”, something LSHTM knows a lot about.

The 3rd of December is International Day of People with Disabilities, it originated back in 1992 by the United Nations, as a day of…

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The Pamphlet Collection: Superman takes on his biggest foe.

Superman says “Never say yes to a cigarette”

Once again we are delving into the pamphlet collection, this time to bring you a glimpse of an early 80s public health campaign, staring Superman.  This can be found in the upstairs gallery at classmark GFW.AH.41.

Public Health Campaign…

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The Library and students at LSHTM.

LSHTM Library update: Borrow books from 8 November!

We’re delighted to announce that from Monday 8 November all LSHTM students and staff will be able to browse and borrow books from the Library. There will also no longer be a need to reserve a study space in advance. All you will need to access the Library and…

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Barnard 3.0 – Updating the library collection: a look at the pamphlets

With the update to the Barnard Classification Scheme completed, thousands of physical items in the library collection have had classmarks changed. Updating items on the records management system and the physical items in the main collection, the basement and the pamphlet collection in the gallery. Rather the large and daunting…

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Library Inductions for new students: welcome to our Library services

Library Inductions for new students.Welcome to all our new students! We look forward to supporting you in your studies this year.There is a lot of information for new arrivals to take in during Welcome week. When you have time, please feel free to contact the Library (library@lshtm…

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Parliament’s Uncommon Library

I’d never thought I would enter Parliament, but earlier this year, I was lucky enough to be able to take part in a visit to the House of Commons Library, through a programme provided by the M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries. Once I’d got through the strict security…

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Are you satisfied with your Library & Archives Service?

We have 1 question for you – how satisfied are you with your Library & Archives Service?

We will be emailing all students and staff to find out what you think. To register your opinion, all you need to do is click on the link in the email that best describes…

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Silvertown after the explosion, 1917

100th Anniversary of the Silvertown Explosion

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the Silvetown Explosion, where, on the evening of January 19th 1917, 50 tonnes of trinitrotoluene exploded after efforts to extinguish a fire in one of the factory melt pots failed. The explosion killed 73 people, injured more than 400 and instantly destroyed an estimated…

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