Call for Papers: “Advancing Health Systems for all in the SDG Era”

This call for papers is jointly organised by the journal Health Policy and Planning, and the organizer of the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2018) – Health Systems Global. This call is intended for those who have had conference abstracts and/or presentations accepted HSR2018. Authors should submit their abstract ID for their presented paper along with their submission to check for eligibility. Accepted papers will be published as a special journal supplement of the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, which will take place in Liverpool, UK 8th-12th October 2018. The theme for the call is “Advancing health systems for all in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) era” which is also the theme of the Symposium.

Papers speaking to each of the conference sub-themes below will be welcomed for this special supplement. You can read the full text of the theme and sub-themes on the HSR2018 website Theme page.

  • The SDGs as a stimulus for renewed multi-sectoral action.
  • Polemic and pragmatism: engaging the private sector in moving towards universal health coverage.
  • Leaving no one behind: health systems that deliver for all.
  • Community health systems – where community needs are located, but often the invisible level of health systems.

The supplement will have a maximum of 20 articles that cover the main conference sub-themes (i.e. approximately 4-5 papers per sub-theme). All papers will be subject to peer review.

It is our aim that at minimum 50% of accepted papers must come from a low- and/or middle-income country author, listed as corresponding author on the paper.

Full manuscripts should be submitted to Health Policy and Planning by 20 December 2018 through the submission link on the journal website. During the submission process please note your paper is to be considered as part of a special issue and provide your abstract ID number.

Original research articles as well as review papers are invited. Papers that receive positive reviews but are not deemed suitable for this supplement may be considered for individual publication in Health Policy and Planning.

The Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research will build on the progress achieved by four previous, highly successful symposia in convening health systems researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners from around the world. See

The supplement is supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Global Ideas Fund at CAF America. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of CAF America or the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Read the full author instructions.

Submit to the journal.

Please contact the editorial office if you have any further enquiries.

Image credit: DFID/FlickrCreative Commons license 2.0


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