By Natasha Salaria (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Another year, another impact factor. Health Policy and Planning’s new 2018 Impact Factor has seen another increase to 2.714, placing us 14th out of 81 journals in the Health Policy and Services category (Quartile 1). While most people agree that using the journal impact factor as the only indicator for evaluating research isn’t the best way forward, and The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine has signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), for now, impact factors continue to be used as the most established recognised metric associated with journals and their citation rates.
Below are our top 10 most highly cited articles contributing to the 2018 impact factor in Health Policy and Planning:
- Review: Opening the ‘black box’ of performance-based financing in low- and lower middle-income countries: a review of the literature
- Review: Performance of retail pharmacies in low- and middle-income Asian settings: a systematic review
- How to do (or not to do): gender analysis in health systems research
- Original article: Motivating health workers up to a limit: partial effects of performance-based financing on working environments in Nigeria
- Original article: Frameworks to assess health systems governance: a systematic review
- Original article: A framework on the emergence and effectiveness of global health networks
- Original article: Quality of integrated chronic disease care in rural South Africa: user and provider perspectives
- Original article: Strengthening mental health system governance in six low- and middle-income countries in Africa and South Asia: challenges, needs and potential strategies
- Original article: Pay for performance in Nigeria: the influence of context and implementation on results
- Original article: Use of traditional medicine in middle-income countries: a WHO-SAGE study
* These data summarize the characteristics of the journal’s published content for the most recent three years, that is, 2018 and the two prior years, combined. This information is based on all listed authors and addresses. It is meant to be descriptive rather than comparative.
Our top 10 contributions by organizations include high performing higher education institutions such as Johns Hopkins, Harvard University, University of Cape Town and the World Health Organization.
The journal has wide reach and publishes papers from authors in over 40 countries, many from low- and middle-income countries who are able to utilise our reduced rate or free access countries list.
In 2018, our blog audience included readers from Kenya, India, South Africa, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and Ghana.
Altmetric is an alternative metric to the impact factor, used to demonstrate engagement with journals on an individual article level. Altmetric collects data on universal popularity and uptake, including within policy documents to show how research has influenced health policy as well as media outlets and social media platform discussions.
This article for instance on ‘The impact of cash transfers on social determinants of health and health inequalities in sub-Saharan Africa’ has been included within this policy document for the World Bank. Below you can also see some snippets of news highlights for Health Policy and Planning articles published in 2018:
Here are the Top 10 articles from 2018 with the highest Altmetric score published in Health Policy and Planning:
- Editor’s choice: Cuban infant mortality and longevity: health care or repression?
- 10 best resources: 10 best resources on power in health policy and systems in low- and middle-income countries
- Review: The impact of cash transfers on social determinants of health and health inequalities in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review
- Original article: Priority setting for health in the context of devolution in Kenya: implications for health equity and community-based primary care
- Original article: Estimating the cost and cost-effectiveness for obstetric fistula repair in hospitals in Uganda: a low income country
- Original article: Civil society participation in global public private partnerships for health
- Original article: Developing more participatory and accountable institutions for health: identifying health system research priorities for the Sustainable Development Goal-era
- Original article: Allocation of development assistance for health: is the predominance of national income justified?
- Editorial: Global health aid allocation in the 21st century
- Original article: The impact of an mHealth monitoring system on health care utilization by mothers and children: an evaluation using routine health information in Rwanda
Thank you all for another great year and don’t forget to check out our latest outputs including:
- [RESEARCH COLLECTION] China health system reform: 10 years on
- [PODCAST] Tuberculosis care and pill pushing in India