Health Policy and Planning’s Top 10 articles in 2024

By Natasha Salaria (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

Health Policy and Planning is an open access journal publishing health policy and systems research focusing on low- and middle-income countries. The journal consists of four sections; Health Systems Research, Health Economics, Health Policy Processes and Implementation Research and Evaluation.

Our current impact factor is 2.9 and CiteScore is 6.0, placing us in the top 9% in our category of Health Policy. On 1 January 2024 we also transitioned to a fully open access journal. We appreciate that submitting to journals can be overwhelming and aim to break this down for you at Health Policy and Planning to make preparing your manuscript and submission easier with these video resources including our top ten tips for authors and reviewers. You can also join our strong and growing reviewer community and see its benefits here.

In 2024 we published two journal supplements and two collections, one concerning climate change and health and the other demonstrating our global impact as a journal on health policy, with nearly 6,000 papers in Health Policy and Planning cited in policy sources to date:

  1. Rethinking external assistance for health
  2. Health Systems Performance in the Political Agenda: Intersectoral Collaboration and Integrative Governance on the Road to Health in all Policies
  3. Climate change and health
  4. Global impact on health policy

As usual we kept up with our podcasts and continue to make these accessible and visible to all, discussing published papers in the Journal with our authors. This also goes for our hand-picked content by the editors of Health Policy and Planning which you can access as Editor’s choice articles here.

Below you can find our top most cited, downloaded and most accessed content in the past year from content published in 2024. We continue to thank our esteemed Section Editors, reviewers and authors for their dedication to HPP and continuous dedication to the publication of high-quality health systems and health policy research.

Top Cited

  1. Unravelling collaborative governance dynamics within healthcare networks: a scoping review [LINK]
  2. The effect of gradually lifting the two-child policy on demographic changes in China [LINK]
  3. The quality of telemedicine consultations for sexually transmitted infections in China [LINK]
  4. Understanding the barriers to integrating maternal and mental health at primary health care in Vietnam [LINK]
  5. The economic costs and cost-effectiveness of HIV self-testing among truck drivers in Kenya [LINK]
  6. Managing transitions from external assistance: cross-national learning about sustaining effective coverage [LINK]
  7. HIV programme sustainability in Southern and Eastern Africa and the changing role of external assistance for health [LINK]
  8. Hospital response to a new case-based payment system in China: the patient selection effect [LINK]
  9. Health insurance and subjective well-being: evidence from integrating medical insurance across urban and rural areas in China [LINK]
  10. Health impact and cost-effectiveness of expanding routine immunization coverage in India through Intensified Mission Indradhanush [LINK]

Top Downloaded

  1. Unfair knowledge practices in global health: a realist synthesis [LINK]
  2. Making development assistance work for Africa: from aid-dependent disease control to the new public health order [LINK]
  3. Unravelling collaborative governance dynamics within healthcare networks: a scoping review [LINK]
  4. The effect of gradually lifting the two-child policy on demographic changes in China [LINK]
  5. HIV programme sustainability in Southern and Eastern Africa and the changing role of external assistance for health [LINK]
  6. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation for health systems [LINK]
  7. The cost of inaction: a global tool to inform nutrition policy and investment decisions on global nutrition targets [LINK]
  8. A conceptual framework from the Philippines to analyse organizational capacities for health policy and systems research [LINK]
  9. Still rethinking external assistance for health [LINK]
  10. Effect of supplementary private health insurance on out-of-pocket inpatient medical expenditure: evidence from Malaysia [LINK]

Top Altmetric

  1. Unfair knowledge practices in global health: a realist synthesis [LINK]
  2. Comparing health systems readiness for integrating domestic violence services in Brazil, occupied Palestinian Territories, Nepal and Sri Lanka [LINK]
  3. Making development assistance work for Africa: from aid-dependent disease control to the new public health order [LINK]
  4. Citizen engagement in national health insurance in rural western Kenya [LINK]
  5. ‘We thought supporting was strengthening’: re-examining the role of external assistance for health systems strengthening in Zimbabwe post-COVID-19 [LINK]
  6. The cost of inaction: a global tool to inform nutrition policy and investment decisions on global nutrition targets [LINK]
  7. The economic cost consequences of suboptimal infant and young child feeding practices: a scoping review [LINK]
  8. The influence of crisis on policy formulation: the case of alcohol regulation in South Africa during COVID-19 (2020–21) [LINK]
  9. Understanding the barriers to integrating maternal and mental health at primary health care in Vietnam [LINK]
  10. Legal issues in the implementation of Maternal Death Surveillance and Response: a scoping review [LINK]

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