Is user fee removal a way towards universal coverage of delivery care in Sub-Saharan Africa? Compelling evidence from Burkina Faso

Written by Hoa T. Nguyen1, David Zombré², Valery Ridde2,3, Manuela De Allegri1

It is well known that user fees charged at point of use constitute a major financial barrier to accessing health care, especially for vulnerable groups like pregnant women. Every year, mainly due to the financial barriers, more…


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HSR Symposium 2018 and Health Policy and Planning

By Natasha Salaria (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

Starting on the 8th October – this marks the start of the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research; a full and diverse programme addressing the theme of ‘Advancing health systems for all in the SDG era’ from 8-12th October…


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Cash support: a new tool to decrease Intimate Partner Violence?

By: Ana Maria Buller and Meghna Ranganathan, Assistant Professors at LSHTM and Amber Peterman, Consultant to the UNICEF Office of Research—Innocenti
This blog has been cross-posted with kind permission from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).

We’ve all heard the statistics—intimate partner violence…


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Call for Papers: “Advancing Health Systems for all in the SDG Era”

This call for papers is jointly organised by the journal Health Policy and Planning, and the organizer of the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2018) – Health Systems Global. This call is intended for those who have had conference abstracts and/or presentations accepted HSR2018. Authors should submit their…


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The politics of alcohol and policy formulation

By Adam Bertscher, Leslie London & Marsha Orgill (all authors University of Cape Town)

Alcohol is contributing to a growing global burden of non-communicable diseases. Some of these diseases are referred to as ‘industrial epidemics’ because they are the result of social or commercial determinants of health. In other…


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SUPPLEMENT LAUNCH: Strengthening health system leadership for better governance: what does it take?

By Lucy Gilson (University of Cape Town)
Why is health system leadership so important? And what can be done to improve health system leadership in low- and middle-income countries for better governance? A new supplement in Health Policy and Planning addresses these questions providing evidence…


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Health Policy and Planning’s 2017 Impact Factor and Top 10 articles

By Natasha Salaria (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

Health Policy and Planning has received a new 2017 Impact Factor which has seen an increase to 2.420, placing us 17th out of 79 journals in the Health Policy and Services category (Quartile 1). With a new impact factor…


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Does the Nigerian private sector provide quality maternal health care to reduce maternal and newborn mortality?

By Atsumi Hirose (Karolinska Institutet), Julia Hussein (University of Aberdeen), Ibrahim Yisa (Partnership for Transforming Health Systems II)

Private sector for universal health coverage

One of the targets of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 is to achieve universal health coverage, which includes ensuring access to quality maternal health care services…


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A Decade of Tracking Aid for Health

Authored by: Antonia Dingle and Josephine Borghi (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)

Since 2006, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) has been working with Countdown to 2015/2030 to track official development assistance (ODA), or aid, to see how much is targeted at reproductive, maternal…


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What can we learn by investigating communication breakdown in outpatient referrals in Latin America?

By Ingrid Vargas, Irene Garcia-Subirats, Amparo-Susana Mogollon Pérez, Marina Ferreira-de-Medeiros-Mendes, Pamela Eguiguren, Angelica-Ivonne Cisneros, María-Cecilia Muruaga, Fernando Bertolotto and María Luisa Vázquez[1]
It is difficult when you get a referral form like this: “vascular” That’s all! Where…


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