All posts tagged public health

The politics of crisis, alcohol and policy formulation

By Mumta Hargovan, Leslie London & Marsha Orgill (University of Cape Town)

Alcohol is deeply entangled in the social, political and economic history of South Africa (SA). There is a high prevalence of heavy episodic drinking (binge-drinking) and related harms, including a costly burden of injuries and trauma on…


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Chronicle of deaths foretold – six lessons and needed actions based on the Brazilian COVID-19 outbreak

By Lucia Brugnara, MD and Prof. Michael Marx, MD (University of Heidelberg)

In this blog series we are giving a voice to practitioners, implementers and policy-makers involved in national COVID-19 responses in low- and middle-income countries.  These posts seek to facilitate timely cross- learning by sharing opinions…


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Our new supplement: District decision making for health in low-income settings- a new model for data platforms

By Rhys Williams (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine).

This blog is cross posted on the IDEAS website here.

An IDEAS supplement in the Journal of Health Policy and Planning

Information systems and health planning are relatively neglected areas of health policy and system research.

Collecting high quality routine…


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Prisoner Health in Zambia: what does a systems-thinking approach reveal?

By Stephanie Topp (James Cook University)

In Zambia, as in sub-Saharan Africa, the prison population is predominantly male and experiences high rates of disease including HIV and tuberculosis.  Notwithstanding growing recognition of this problem, the issue of prison health has historically been given low priority by both Zambian and…


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