All posts in Books

World Health Day. Sunday 7th April 2019.

When I first arrived at the School, the World Health Organization (WHO)  theme “Health for all by the year 2000” was highly topical, with an emphasis on access to primary health care.

We are now into the nineteenth year of the new century, and one which has seen its fair…

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Water for all

Water for all – World Water Day 2019

World Water Day, 22nd March, focuses on the billions of people living without safe water and asks why marginalised groups are overlooked when water is essential for everyone.

The theme for this year’s UN campaign is “Leaving no one behind”.

Books about water in LSHTM Library are shelved around…

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World Mental Health Day

10 October 2018 is World Mental Health Day (WMHD).  WMHD seeks to promote global mental health education, increase awareness of mental health issues, and advocate against stigma.  The Day also enables those involved in mental health to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to ensure…

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On-demand access to eBooks

The Library is currently providing access to thousands of eBooks from ProQuest, using a ‘demand driven acquisition’ (DDA) model. Subjects covered include health, economics, nursing, pharmacy, biology, botany, zoology, social sciences, and many more.  Readers can run a search as usual in Discover, and if you click on one of…

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Breastfeeding Week

World Breastfeeding Week 1-7 August 2018

World Breastfeeding Week occurs every year from 1-7 August. This year the World Health Organisation and UNICEF are promoting the importance of breastfeeding within a baby’s first hour of life, providing the newborn with an instant hit of colostrum – also known as their ‘first vaccine’.

In light of…

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Drug-free library zone sign - Washington DC. Attribution: Photo YourSapce

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Today is the United Nations’ International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Since 1987 the UN has used June 26th to highlight the work done by individuals, communities and organisations towards creating a society free from drug abuse.

At LSHTM, books about addiction and stimulant, sedative and narcotic drugs…

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World Sickle Cell Day

To coincide with World Sickle Cell Day (19 June) the Library currently has a display of books in the Reading Room on sickle cell disease (SCD) and other blood diseases. SCD affects millions of people worldwide and is a lifelong condition that can be fatal. SCD mainly affects people of…

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Public Health Ethics

Public health involves interactions with a variety of professionals each with overlapping values and goals. In comparison to bioethics or medical ethics, which has a strong grounding in the discourse of the individual or autonomous directives, public health ethics has a distinctive characteristic of having a population wide perspective. In…

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Clinical trials books

Books on Clinical Trials

May 20th was International Clinical Trials Day. The very first clinical trial occurred back in 1747 when naval surgeon-mate James Lind determined that scurvy could be successfully reversed by eating citrus fruit. Nowadays the randomized clinical trial is regarded as fundamental to evidence-based medicine.

At LSHTM library, most…

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LSHTM books on women's health

Books on women and health

To commemorate International Women’s Day (March 8th) here are a few books from the LSHTM Library collection focussing on women’s health and women’s rights.

Women and health by Marlene B. Goldman and Maureen C. Hatch (Academic Press, 2000).

Library classmark: SOE.W 2000

A comprehensive work with…

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