All posts in Books


From the 30 Oct – 5 November there will be a Bibliotherapy display in the Library’s Reading Room, under the watchful eyes of Sir Richard Doll. Bibliotherapy is an expressive therapy which uses reading to support good mental health.

From time to time, the Student Advice & Counselling Service select…

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The Open Access Team’s Virtual Bookshelf

To showcase the wide array of Open Access books freely available online, and in the spirit of International Open Access Week, LSHTM’s team in the Library have put together, in true Waterstone’s style, a shelf each of their favourite selections of Open Access books and materials. These are…

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Books for World Sight Day

Last Thursday marked the 18th annual World Sight Day, with ‘Make Vision Count’ as its call to action. The event is organised by the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, that works ‘to lead international efforts in blindness prevention activities’, and has strong links with the School’s International…

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LSHTM mental health books

Books for World Mental Health Day

October 10th is World Mental Health Day.   LSHTM Library has items on mental health classified at UJ – currently shelved in the front left corner of the Barnard Room.

Some books from the collection:

Global Mental Health : Principles and Practice, edited by Vikram Patel, Harry Minas, Alex Cohen, Martin J. Prince…

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Dan Brown is in the Library!

Along with Forsyth, Mankell, Sting :-) and a few of your favourite fiction and other genre authors.
Why not pop over to our Bookswap area in the Library foyer and have a gander?
Take any book labelled “Bookswap” for as long as you want.
You can even donate any excess fiction…

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Ebook Central DDA trial comes to an end

Over the last couple of months the Library has been running a trial of ‘Demand-driven Acquisition’ (DDA) on ProQuest’s Ebook Central platform.  This has enabled users to search for ebooks in Ebook Central via the Library’s Discover search tool, and make requests for the Library to purchase…

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Oxford Scholarship Online trial

From the 28 June 2016 the Library & Archives Service will provide trial access for 5 months to the STM Collection in Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO).  The STM Collection is being made available by EBA (Evidence Based Acquisition), which means that at the end of the trial the Library will…

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Ebook Central Trial

On 31 May 2016, the Library will begin a trial of Ebook Central from ProQuest. This platform provides access to more than 700,000 ebooks, across a huge range of subjects. These are available on a ‘Demand-Driven Acquisition’ model, meaning that the library will consider acquiring access to books…

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William Balfour’s Observations on Adhesion

It would be amiss for us not to write about some of the exotic titles in the Library and Archive Service’s Rare Book collection. Many of these unique works need care and conservation to restore them to their original condition. In our quest to highlight our special collections, we…

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Update on the UK Medical Heritage Library digitisation project

Users of the central lift at Keppel Street may have met the librarian struggling with a trolley or box full of dusty old books using a key to the M (for mysterious) floor over the last 7 months. Well, that was me, and the books were the library’s Historical…

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