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LSHTM Press launch

For those of you who missed the launch of the LSHTM Press last Thursday, here’s a brief account of the online event that marked the beginning of a new chapter in open access academic publishing at LSHTM.

The afternoon event gathered a huge amount of interest from across the…

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Archive material

Trying to establish the archive at LSHTM

Our series of blogs to celebrate 20 years of the LSHTM Archives Service has been postponed over the Summer but we are pleased to announce that the series will continue over the Autumn. We are grateful to our colleague Professor Virginia Berridge for her recollections on how the Archives Service…

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September is Vascular Disease Awareness month

As part of Vascular Disease Awareness month the Circulation Foundation’s ‘The Body Walk’ campaign raises awareness and funding for research and support. Information about vascular disease and The Body Walk campaign can be found on the Circulation Foundation website.

Vascular disease includes diseases of the arteries, veins, and lymphatic…

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Every Woman Day

Every Woman Day is a project created to raise awareness and share experiences about women’s health, so that other women can benefit. Research funds tend to be spent on killer health conditions, so many women’s health problems are poorly understood, even when they are severely life limiting.


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National Immunization Awareness Month


The National Immunization Awareness Month is held annually in August, focusing on the importance of immunization at all ages (see

I was born in April 1964, in Birmingham, West Midlands. My…

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Entrance to Keppel Street building

20th anniversary reflections on dissemination: building tours and Open House

As part of our 20th anniversary celebrations, we are reflecting on how the service has developed in a number of ways, this blog focuses on dissemination and how our approach has changed since the service was established in 2002. I have been looking through the Archives of the service and…

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World Hepatitis Day 28th July 2022

The World Hepatitis Day is coordinated by the World Hepatitis Alliance and is one of several WHO global public health days that take place annually.

“World Hepatitis Day (WHD) takes place every year on 28 July bringing the world together under a single theme to raise awareness of the global…

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World Population Day

World Population Day is all about raising awareness of controlling the population and serves to highlight the growing problems that come with a growing global population. World Population Day was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989. It was inspired by the public interest…

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Happy 20th Birthday LSHTM Archives Service

I can’t believe that it has been 20 years since I started working at the School! To commemorate this anniversary, this seems a perfect time to reflect on my time at the School, my work as an Archivist and the development of the service. I have been looking through…

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Library opening updates – June / July 2022

Due to industrial action affecting Network Rail services and Transport for London, the Library at Keppel Street will be closed all day on Tuesday 21 June. You will still be able to get in touch with our Library, Archive and Open Research Services team remotely via the…

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