All posts in Funding

Evidence to inform the COVID-19 response: Collection of HPP papers

What measures were effective in previous pandemics?

Can we anticipate the impacts of COVID-19 on nutrition, mental health and other health issues in order to address them proactively?

What is health systems resilience and does it explain why some countries are combatting COVID-19 more effectively?

These and other…


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Do population beliefs change if we improve appropriate use of malaria medications?

By Elisa M. Maffioli, Indrani Saran, Manoj Mohanan, Wendy Prudhomme O’Meara

In malaria-endemic countries non-malaria febrile illnesses are frequent. Malaria diagnostic testing is becoming increasingly common. However, especially in rural settings, febrile individuals are often treated at retail drug stores, and among those less than 10% get…


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Health Policy and Planning’s Top 10 articles in 2019

By Natasha Salaria (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

Health Policy and Planning publishes health policy and systems research focusing on low- and middle-income countries. The journal consists of four sections; Health Systems Research, Health Economics, Health Policy Processes and Implementation Research and Evaluation.

2019 was another…


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SUPPLEMENT LAUNCH: Access to Medicines through Health Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

By Ebiowei S.F Orubu (Niger Delta University) & Sachiko Ozawa (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

What does access to medicines in health systems mean, and why is this of concern?

This special issue in the journal Health Policy and Planning entitled “Access to Medicines through Health Systems…


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SUPPLEMENT LAUNCH: Transforming health systems financing in Lower Mekong: making sure the poor are not left behind

By Augustine Asante, Ir Por, Bart Jacobs and Virginia Wiseman

Universal health coverage (UHC) appears to be on everybody’s agenda these days, especially low- and middle- income countries (LIMCs). But achieving UHC goes beyond having it on one’s agenda; it requires, among other things, an equitable health financing…


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We did the sums on South Africa’s mental health spend. They’re not pretty

By Sumaiyah Docrat and Crick Lund (Alan J Fisher Centre for Public Mental Health, University of Cape Town)

This blog has been posted with kind permission from The Conversation.

South Africa has taken steps towards strengthening mental health care in the last 20 years. These include reforming the Mental Health…


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Gender quotas: Foe or friend for health leadership?

By Kui Muraya, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Nairobi, Kenya

My colleagues and I recently published a paper discussing the experiences and career trajectories of male and female health managers at sub-national level in Kenya. The published data was collected through in-depth interviews with sub-county level managers…


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How can we do a better job of setting research agendas with communities?

By Bridget Pratt (University of Melbourne)

The status quo: Communities lack a say

Community engagement is gaining prominence in global health research. Growing consensus about the importance of community representation and participation for ethical research means research institutions and funding bodies now promote, or even mandate, community engagement as an…


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Are women empowered by volunteer community health work? The story of Eleni

By: Svea Closser (Johns Hopkins University), Kenneth Maes (Oregon State University), and Sarah Fossett (Middlebury College)

Women’s Development Army

This Wednesday, as usual in this small town in rural Amhara, Eleni was running a weekly meeting with 30 women. The meeting was delayed in the midst of a spontaneous…


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“Losing a billion dollars a day”: The Cost of Not Breastfeeding

By: Dr. Dylan Walters (Project Director, Health Economics, Nutrition International)
[Interactive infographic below. Download the PDF here: Cost of not breastfeeding]

Recent history has shown us the powerful effect of data in appealing to both the emotional and rational interests of people. Shocking claims of the number of preventable deaths…


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