All posts in health systems

Unveiling health systems readiness for combating domestic violence: A global perspective

By Manuela Colombini1 and Satya Shrestha2

1: Department of Global Health and Development, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom
2: Nursing and Midwifery Program, Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences, Nepal

When we talk about domestic violence (DV), it is not just a private matter confined within…


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What a lack of breastfeeding support is costing the world

By Dylan Walters (Nutrition International) and Sandra Remancus (Alive & Thrive)

Every year, a lack of concerted support for breastfeeding from governments around the world costs the global economy more than US$570 billion. These losses, the cumulative result of child and maternal mortality, increased healthcare costs, and depleted human…


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How can locally-based research institutions support COVID-19 preparedness and response? African example

By: Professor Martin Antonio (LSHTM and WHO Collaborating Centre for New Vaccines Surveillance)

The global outbreak of novel coronavirus disease (renamed COVID-19) has brought to attention the preparedness of African countries and health systems to be able to address the COVID-19 outbreak. On 31 Jan 2020 the WHO…


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Health Policy and Planning’s Top 10 articles in 2019

By Natasha Salaria (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

Health Policy and Planning publishes health policy and systems research focusing on low- and middle-income countries. The journal consists of four sections; Health Systems Research, Health Economics, Health Policy Processes and Implementation Research and Evaluation.

2019 was another…


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‘DOING MORE WITH LESS’ – Voices of Frontline Health Service Providers in South Africa

By: Carrie-Brooke Sumner (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Research Unit, South African Medical Research Council & University of Cape Town)
Health systems under pressure

If you work in a health system or health systems research, you’re no stranger to messages about budget cuts, the need for efficiencies, ‘working…


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Tuberculosis: Health Policy and Systems Research

By Mishal Khan (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

This is the first World Tuberculosis (TB) Day since high-level UN General Assembly meeting on TB in September 2018. Strong commitments were made by political leaders and hopes are high. Enthusiasm for a revolutionary shift in tackling infectious diseases…


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Five years after the Ebola epidemic, are new preparedness measures sustainable?

By Michael R. Snyder (Johns Hopkins University)

With the five-year anniversary of the West Africa Ebola outbreak declaration approaching, now is an appropriate time to reflect on progress made in improving global public health preparedness. Has the international community learned the lessons of the 2014-16 Ebola epidemic? What…


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We invest millions in health, but still millions are dying

By Shelly Batra (Co-Founder and President, Operation ASHA)

TB – a disease that continues to plague the poorest

When I was a student in King George’s Medical College, India, a group of doctors came from the UK to visit our hospital. They said to my Professor,
May we see…


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SUPPLEMENT LAUNCH: Global Health Aid Allocation in the 21st Century

By Jesse Bump (Harvard University)
Who gets what in global health? Through what processes or according to what measures? Any ideas? Billions of lives are affected by these decisions and yet Global health aid is allocated through opaque processes using criteria that are not always disclosed…


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Health Policy and Planning – Top Cited and Accessed Articles in 2017

By Natasha Salaria (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

Health Policy and Planning publishes high-quality health policy and systems research that aims to inform policy and practice in low- and middle-income countries and provides a forum for publishing high quality research and original ideas, for an audience…


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