All posts in performance-based financing

What was our Most Cited and Most Accessed content of 2016?

By Natasha Salaria (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Most cited content in 2016
The top 10 most cited is dominated entirely by our supplement papers on ‘The Emergence and Effectiveness of Global Health Networks’ published in April 2016. I have included the link to the supplement above- please…


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World AIDS Day 2016: reasons to hope?

By Jamie Enoch (Research Assistant in AIDS Policy, LSHTM)

Has 2016 been one of the worst years in history? Whatever your take on the overall state of the world, there is room to approach World AIDS Day with cautious optimism. UNAIDS estimates that over 18 million people are accessing antiretroviral…


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Can communities become too engaged in global health initiatives? And how to measure their existence?

By Dana Greeson (Columbia University) and Karen Grépin (Wilfrid Laurier University)

The success of health initiatives depends on how they are accepted by target communities. Do community members perceive the initiative as addressing a priority issue? Is the intervention culturally sensitive? Is there buy-in from community influencers? We…


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