Cervical cancer prevention in Ethiopia—health benefits and financial risk protection

By: Allison Portnoy (Center for Health Decision Science, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)

What is financial risk protection?

Policymakers use a number of priority-setting frameworks to make decisions but accounting only for health gains and medical costs averted in the case of vaccination can neglect important…


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A long way to ensuring access to quality antenatal care in east Africa: challenges and future directions

Firew Bobo (University of Technology Sydney), Augustine Asante (University of New South Wales), Mirkuzie Woldie (Federal Ministry of Health, Ethiopia), Andrew Hayen (University of Technology Sydney)


Improvements in maternal and newborn health coverage have not led to anticipated progress in maternal and newborn health indicators in low- and middle…


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Barriers to Improving Nursing Care in the Myanmar Healthcare System

By Lydia Davidson (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

Note: This post was written prior to the Myanmar Military Coup in February, the situation is now very different. The coup serves to highlight the challenges faced in Myanmar. I would like to pay my respects to my nursing colleagues…


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Comprehensive Primary Health Care for India – cost implications of improving coverage for 1.4 billion people

Authors: Diksha Singh1, Pankaj Bahuguna1, Lorna Guinness2, Shankar Prinja1

1Department of Community Medicine and School of Public Health, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India

2 International Decision Support Initiative (IDSi), Centre for Global Development, London, UK

In 2018 India launched AB PM-JAY as part of…


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Tributes to the Late Doctor Bart Jacobs

On the 15th of January 2021, our friend and colleague, Dr Bart Jacobs, died tragically in Cambodia where he lived with his wife and two children.  He will always be remembered for his commitment to transforming health systems and making health care available to all, especially the poor.

We have…


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Health Policy and Planning’s Top 10 articles in 2020

Health Policy and Planning publishes health policy and systems research focusing on low- and middle-income countries. The journal consists of four sections; Health Systems Research, Health Economics, Health Policy Processes and Implementation Research and Evaluation.

2020 was an extraordinary and challenging year with the COVID-19 pandemic hitting the…


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The COVID-19 pandemic and associated catastrophic financial burden: a tragedy still in the making

Rakesh Parashar, Ankita Mukherjee (Oxford Policy Management, Delhi)

In this blog series we are giving a voice to practitioners, implementers and policy-makers involved in national COVID-19 responses in low- and middle-income countries.  These posts seek to facilitate timely cross- learning by sharing opinions, insights and lessons on…


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Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing? Alcohol Industry’s Involvement in Road Safety

By Connie Hoe (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health)


Road traffic injuries are a major public health problem and the leading killer of children and young adults around the world. One of the key risk factors is drinking and driving. This is because alcohol impairment leads to poor…


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Ensuring access to essential sexual and reproductive health products during COVID-19: Challenges and future directions

By Hamsadvani Anand Kuganantham, MBBS, MSc, HPPF; Independent consultant, Sexual and Reproductive Health

In this blogpost, we focus on maintaining access to key Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) products included in the Minimum Initial Service Package, essential maternal care medicines such as Tranexamic acid for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage and…


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Health Systems of Oppression? How health systems operate within and perpetuate systems of oppression

By Ruth Young (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health), Richard Mangwi (Makerere University), Maylene Shung-King (University of Cape Town) and Rosemary Morgan (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health).

Health system functioning, operation, design and governance can reflect and perpetuate broader power structures in multiple ways. This dynamic…


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