Health Policy and Planning’s Top 10 Articles Contributing to the 2020 Impact Factor

By Natasha Salaria (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

The 2020 impact factors are now out as of this month and what a year it has been. We are pleased to announce we have seen an increase in our impact factor which has gone up to 3.344 with…


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Current approaches to COVID-19 emergency response planning: scope to promote health systems resilience and reduce avoidable death and illness

By Saqif Mustafa (World Health Organization), Yu Zhang (World Health Organization), Zandile Zibwowa (World Health Organization), Redda Seifeldin (World Health Organization), Louis Ako-Egbe (World Health Organization Country Office, Monrovia, Liberia), Geraldine McDarby (World Health Organization), Edward Kelley (World Health Organization), Sohel Saikat (World Health Organization)

COVID-19 has been…


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Facility births are not all the same. Poor, high parity women are underserved by hospitals for childbirth in rural Tanzania

Manuela Straneo (Athena Institute, VU University) , Claudia Hanson (LSHTM and Karolinska Institutet), Lenka Benova (Institute of Tropical Medicine and LSHTM) , Thomas van den Akker (VU University and Leiden University)


What does it take to provide effective childbirth care to the poorest women in rural sub-Saharan Africa? Understanding where…


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Vaccine hesitancy within Black people in the UK: A person-centredness approach

By Michelle Udoh (LSHTM MSc student in Global Mental Health)
Cultural competence training must be delivered to all persons involved with the delivery of the programme, to minimise the repercussions that racist attitudes and behaviours have on minority ethnic communities.”
The concentrated and collaborative efforts of governments and various stakeholders…


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Bridging the gap for post-project evaluations of adolescent sexual and reproductive health projects: Guidance from WHO

By Susan Igras (Georgetown University’s Institute for Reproductive Health, Center for Child and Human Development), Marina Plesons (UNDP-UNFPA-UNICEF-WHO-World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) and the World Health Organization) and Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli (UNDP-UNFPA-UNICEF-WHO-World…


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Is criminalization the answer for ending a harmful practice in Nepal?

By Sara E. Baumann (University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health)

Images of women and girls sleeping in small sheds in far-flung Himalayan villages have made the in recent years. They are following a centuries old practice called chhaupadi, or menstrual seclusion, in which women and girls are…


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Antibiotic Resistance: Lessons from Behaviour Change Interventions in LMICs

By Carla Cuevas (University College London), Neha Batura (University College London), Luh Putu Lila Wulandari (University of New South Wales and Udayana University), Mishal Khan (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Aga Khan University) and Virginia Wiseman (University of New South Wales and London School of Hygiene &amp…


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Cervical cancer prevention in Ethiopia—health benefits and financial risk protection

By: Allison Portnoy (Center for Health Decision Science, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)

What is financial risk protection?

Policymakers use a number of priority-setting frameworks to make decisions but accounting only for health gains and medical costs averted in the case of vaccination can neglect important…


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A long way to ensuring access to quality antenatal care in east Africa: challenges and future directions

Firew Bobo (University of Technology Sydney), Augustine Asante (University of New South Wales), Mirkuzie Woldie (Federal Ministry of Health, Ethiopia), Andrew Hayen (University of Technology Sydney)


Improvements in maternal and newborn health coverage have not led to anticipated progress in maternal and newborn health indicators in low- and middle…


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Barriers to Improving Nursing Care in the Myanmar Healthcare System

By Lydia Davidson (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

Note: This post was written prior to the Myanmar Military Coup in February, the situation is now very different. The coup serves to highlight the challenges faced in Myanmar. I would like to pay my respects to my nursing colleagues…


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