All posts in Archives

Karl Pearson and Sir Ronald Ross

By Fabian Macpherson, Archive volunteer

Born on this day 158 years ago, Karl Pearson (1857-1936) is credited with establishing mathematical statistics as a modern academic discipline, helping to develop many of the statistical tools and methods that are still in use today. An enthusiastic student of many subjects, he…

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World TB Day

To mark World Tuberculosis Day on 24th of March, we would like to highlight the archive of Sir Arthur Newsholme, a pioneer in public health who took a special interest in TB.

Sir Arthur, who was born in Haworth, Yorkshire, took his medical qualifications in London and went on to…

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No Smoking Day: LSTHM and the link between smoking and lung cancer

March 11th is No Smoking Day and we thought that we would highlight the fact that the link between smoking and lung cancer was made at the School. In 1950, Richard Doll, a member of the MRC Statistical Research Unit based at LSHTM and Austin Bradford Hill, Director of the…

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Archives Alive….Peter Mine


One of the many things that I love about my job as an Archivist is the unexpected activities that you become involved in. Working with two actors, Rebecca Tremain and Penny Dimond, has been a great pleasure and a very interesting experience in bringing our archive collections to life…

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1915 Bilharzia Expedition

In February 1915, three members of School Staff: Robert Leiper, Reginald Cockin and John Gordon Thomson, set off for Egypt to study bilharzia among the troops at the request of the War Office. Leiper, a helminthologist, led the expedition and had experience of studying this disease before the war. In…

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Archives: A first taste

By Ian Walden

The past two weeks have been something of a blur. Volunteering with the School’s archives is my first step towards qualifying as an archivist, gaining essential experience before enrolling on an MA course in Archive Management. I knew there would be a learning curve, but I…

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World Cancer Day

While Sir Ronald Ross is mainly known for his work on malaria, he was also interested the treatment of many other diseases. To mark World Cancer Day, which aims to promote a positive and proactive approach towards battling cancer, we have found a press cutting from our Ross collection highlighting…

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Sir Ronald Ross’s Russian trip, January 1912



In January 1912, Sir Ronald Ross was invited to join an official visit to the Russian Duma. This was a reciprocal trip to St. Petersburg and Moscow after members of the Russian Duma had visited the UK Parliament.
The group left Victoria Station on 22nd January 1912, crossing…

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Experience in the Archives

By Kate Veale

As part of my Masters in Archives and Record Management, I was lucky enough to gain a two week placement in the archive of London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. My task was to sort, arrange and catalogue the Bradley collection, which contains papers from a…

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Archive plans for 2015

Happy New Year from the Archives team.

The Archives team always likes to start the year with an optimistic long list of plans and ideas for promoting the archives service but first there needs to be some reflection on 2014. This was a great year for the archives service as…

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