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Library laptops and other useful bits & bobs

All of the below are available via the Library Enquiry desk. Please contact if you have any questions.

Library Laptop Loans

Laptops are available for short-term loan to students and staff. Laptops can be loaned from the library enquiry desk and are for use in…

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Work Experience at the LSHTM Archives: Great War Bake Off and Other Projects

By Louise Woof

I have been fortunate enough to be able to spend two weeks at the archive, learning the role of an archivist and undertaking various projects from listing AIDS research papers to setting up displays for the Great War Bake Off. Here is a brief glimpse of a…

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Resource Discovery Trial Update

Unfortunately the library resource discovery trial has been subject to some technical issues. Many thanks to all of you who emailed comments regarding the trial, they were really useful in helping us to fix the problems. We are very happy to announce that the issues have now been resolved and…

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Resource Discovery Systems Trial


The Library and Archives Service is providing trial access to three Resource Discovery Systems (EDS, Primo, and Summon) from 17 November 2014 – 19 December 2014. We would like as many staff and students as possible to explore the Systems, and then let us know how they find…

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Discover a new way to search and access content

  Resource Discovery Systems: Trial Access

The Library and Archives Service will be providing trial access to three Resource Discovery Systems (EDS, Primo, and Summon) from 17 November 2014 – 19 December 2014.

We would like as many staff and students as possible to explore the Systems, and then let us know…

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Library Opening Hours Tuesday 11th November

The Library will be closing at 2.30pm on Tuesday 11th November for a staff event. The Library will re-open as usual at 8.30 am on Wednesday 12th November. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.


Photo: Some rights reserved by Bryan Mills…

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Instruction to Students in the Use of the Library from 1947

In 1947, the then Librarian, Cyril C. Barnard, wrote a history of the School’s Library. In it, he included a section on the information skills training offered to students over the years. As you can see from the transcript below, things haven’t changed very much.

Instruction to Students…

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Missed our Foundation Skills training? Now available online!

We have now finished all our Foundation training sessions on finding and accessing the Library literature.  We had record attendance by our London-based students, and feedback for the sessions has been generally positive and constructive.  Many thanks to everyone who came along, the Library staff enjoyed meeting you!


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Top 5 downloaded papers from LSHTM Research Online – September 2014

Image caption: Count and Spell Color Recognition Beanbags – NUMBERS by Cheryl. License: some rights reserved_CC_BY_SA 2.0

Last month LSHTM Research Online had over 21,700 full text papers downloaded. The top three downloading countries last month were Germany, US and France.  Below are the top five downloaded papers for…

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How do you say it?

How do you say it?


Borrow (verb)   “take and use something belonging to someone else with the intention of returning it”

“May I borrow this book?”

“May I take this book out?”

The emphasis is on removing the item from the custody of the library for the permitted period…

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