A few highlighted items from the LSHTM HIV/AIDS archive collections

As the HIV/AIDS archive cataloguing project enters it’s final month, I thought I should reflect on a few of the records that have caught my attention over the past 17 months. This is not a definitive list and regret that I do not have space to fully convey…

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Red Ribbon pendant

Here is another item that is currently on show in our exhibition entitled HIV/AIDS: Controlling and eradicating a modern epidemic. This item was donated by Lyn Rothman, the founder of AIDS Crisis Trust and current patron and board member of the Elton John AIDS Foundation. She kindly offered to…

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AIDS Social History Programme collection

The Archives Service is coming to the end of the project to catalogue, preserve and make accessible the HIV/AIDS collections held at the School. This project is funded by the Wellcome Trust through their Research Resources in Medical History programme. The original project was to catalogue six collections which…

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World AIDS Day – collectable cards

To mark World AIDS Day, the Archives team are selecting their favourite items which are currently on show in the HIV/AIDS: Controlling and eradicating an epidemic exhibition, more information at: http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/newsevents/events/2014/10/hivaids-controlling-and-eradicating-a-modern-epidemic

I have chosen…

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Book stocktake – the results

If you visited the Library over the summer you will have seen the staff busily scanning the barcodes of all of the books into the library system. We did this for all books published after 1900, nearly 32,000 titles. Our stocktake allowed us to update our records to make…

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Library laptops and other useful bits & bobs

All of the below are available via the Library Enquiry desk. Please contact library@lshtm.ac.uk if you have any questions.

Library Laptop Loans

Laptops are available for short-term loan to students and staff. Laptops can be loaned from the library enquiry desk and are for use in…

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Work Experience at the LSHTM Archives: Great War Bake Off and Other Projects

By Louise Woof

I have been fortunate enough to be able to spend two weeks at the archive, learning the role of an archivist and undertaking various projects from listing AIDS research papers to setting up displays for the Great War Bake Off. Here is a brief glimpse of a…

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Resource Discovery Trial Update

Unfortunately the library resource discovery trial has been subject to some technical issues. Many thanks to all of you who emailed comments regarding the trial, they were really useful in helping us to fix the problems. We are very happy to announce that the issues have now been resolved and…

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2014 changes to Embase index terms

Each year, Medline and Embase update their indexing terms. The Embase update is due to take place next week. If you use indexing terms in your saved searches (often also called subject headings or MeSH terms), you may have to update your searches.

The main change for 2014 is the…

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Finis: Open Access Publishing with BioMed Central (BMC)

UPDATE (January 2015)
The School has decided not to renew its Supporter Membership with BMC which means the 15% discount and instant payment option for researchers is no longer available.

If you wish to pay for an APC for Open Access with BMC please follow the instructions on our OA…

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