Archive for 08/2019

How can we do a better job of setting research agendas with communities?

By Bridget Pratt (University of Melbourne)

The status quo: Communities lack a say

Community engagement is gaining prominence in global health research. Growing consensus about the importance of community representation and participation for ethical research means research institutions and funding bodies now promote, or even mandate, community engagement as an…


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Policy Needs to Focus on Politics: Coca-Cola’s Political and Policy Influence in Mexico

By Eduardo J Gómez (King’s College London)

True to the nature of being a political scientist, I’ve always been interested in exploring the sources of political power and its consequences for policy. In my new article titled “Coca-Cola’s Political and Policy Influence in Mexico: Understanding…


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Are women empowered by volunteer community health work? The story of Eleni

By: Svea Closser (Johns Hopkins University), Kenneth Maes (Oregon State University), and Sarah Fossett (Middlebury College)

Women’s Development Army

This Wednesday, as usual in this small town in rural Amhara, Eleni was running a weekly meeting with 30 women. The meeting was delayed in the midst of a spontaneous…


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