All posts in low-income countries

Ted Eytan

What can we do now to end the HIV-AIDS epidemic?

By Vishnu Shankar (Stanford University)

With over 36.9 million individuals globally living with HIV-AIDS and an estimated 35 million people dead since the start of the epidemic, what will it take to have an AIDS-free generation? Last month, the United Nations announced their ambitious goal to end…


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Our latest supplement on The Emergence and Effectiveness of Global Health Networks

By Natasha Salaria (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

Health Policy and Planning has recently published an open access supplement on The Emergence and Effectiveness of Global Health Networks, funded by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and guest edited by Jeremy Shiffman and Sara Bennett…


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How can the voices of French-speaking health policy and systems researchers be better heard?

Emilie Robert1,2, Isidore Sieleunou1,3, Kadidiatou Kadio1,4, Oumar Mallé Samb5
1 Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CR-CHUM), Canada
2 Sherpa, Centre de recherche du CSSS de la Montagne, Montréal, Canada
3 Research for Development International, Yaoundé, Cameroun
4 Institut…


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La recherche sur les politiques et systèmes de santé dans les pays à faible et moyen revenu: comment faire entendre la voix des chercheurs francophones?

Emilie Robert1,2, Isidore Sieleunou1,3, Kadidiatou Kadio1,4, Oumar Mallé Samb5
1 Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CR-CHUM), Canada
2 Sherpa, Centre de recherche du CSSS de la Montagne, Montréal, Canada
3 Research for Development International, Yaoundé, Cameroun
4 Institut…


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Door-to-door vaccinators: risking their lives to help stop the spread of polio in Pakistan

By Svea Closser, Middlebury College

In the last two years, more than 60 people have been murdered delivering polio vaccine door-to-door to children in Pakistan. These workers are part of a global effort to eradicate polio; they’re working to create a firewall of vaccinated children that would…


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After Ebola: supporting frontline health workers

by Sophie Witter and Haja Wurie

The Ebola epidemic is taking a terrible toll on communities in West Africa. In Sierra Leone alone, as of the 2nd of November 2014, 1070 people have died since the outbreak started in May. CDC projections suggest that by January 2015, if nothing is…


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Divided we fall: how community organisation is key to beating HIV/AIDS

By Solenn Honorine, Médecins Sans Frontières

HIV still kills 1.6 million people every year, most of them in the poor countries of sub-Saharan Africa. In order to bring life-saving antiretroviral therapy (ART) to the 16 million who still need it worldwide, it is crucial to…


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3rd Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

The Health Policy and Planning team were busy at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town last week.

















A number of our editors were involved in organising and presenting at…


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Missing: confidence in Liberia’s health system

by Margaret E. Kruk, Associate Professor, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health

“Fear of Ebola breeds a terror of physicians” proclaimed an article in the New York Times recently, observing that sick people in rural areas were more comfortable with seeking help from traditional healers than health system workers…


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Applying behavioural economics to public policy

by Saugato Datta, Vice President, ideas42

Behavioural economics studies human behaviour in all its messy complexity. Its practitioners pay attention to all manner of things that standard neoclassical economics ignores (or waves away as unimportant: the context in which decisions are made, visual, aural or social cues, salience, social or…


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